Radiant heating systems are has been growing in popularity for quite some time and there are many reasons why its reputation is so well deserved. Today we’re sharing a few things you should know about radiant heating.
What is it?
Have you ever felt the heat from a campfire? You can feel the heat radiating from the fire even from multiple feet away. That would be called infrared radiation, and that is what makes radiant heating systems work. Radiant heating systems deliver heat directly from a hot surface to the adjacent room by way of infrared radiation applies heat directly to panels in your wall or ceiling or even flooring.
It’s not as new as you would think.
Evidence of radiant heat systems have been found as far back as the neoglacial and neolithic eras. You can find examples of radiant heating in many civilizations such as Greek, Roman, and the Ottoman Empire.
There are different types of radiant heating
Hot air, Electric and Hydronic (water-fed). Those are the three types of radiant heating.
Hot Air – the least effective of the three, rarely used now.
Electric – More efficient than a hot air system, due to rising electricity costs it can become a little pricey. In order to make electric radiant heating more economical it is recommended to
Hydronic – The most efficient of the three types of radiant heating. It works by heating up water in a boiler then pumping the hot water through lengths of flexible tubing.
It’s efficient
Compared to baseboard heating and forced air heating radiant heating is far more efficient. Forced air heating is probably the most common heating system in American homes today but that doesn’t mean that it’s the best option for your home. Radiant heat systems have been found to be at least 20% MORE efficient than forced air heating systems.
Provides you with better air quality
Forced air systems cycle the air in your home in order to provide you with heat. In doing so the forced air system distributing dust, dander, and other allergens throughout your home on a regular basis. Radiant heat also has the benefit of not drying out the air in your home like a forced-air or baseboard heating system would, leaving your home nice and comfortable.