Everybody knows that the best part of a remodeling job is when you are right in the thick of it. The sounds of machines humming, dust particles floating in the air, and let’s not forget that elegant yet understated plastic wrap. It’s almost a shame that the job will eventually have to end.
Well here’s a heads up, it doesn’t have to!
One of the latest home trends of 2016 is deconstruction chic. Celebrities have been flocking in droves to their home stylists in order to get in on this trend. Decon chic isn’t just for the rich and famous, almost everyone is embracing this new look.

Empty-nesters have really caught the deconstruction bug. “It saved my marriage” exclaimed Marge S. when she was asked about her decision to try out deconstruction chic.” It seemed like it took forever for our three kids to finally leave the nest, but once they did, we didn’t know what to do with ourselves…it was so quiet and clean. De-conning our kitchen and dining room has brought life and dirt back into our home”. The perpetual dust and debris that comes with deconstruction is great for those who love to clean, or just have too much time on their hands.

Others just find the trend to be fun and inspiring. Susie DeLa- Casa, a homeowner who has recently redecorated her kitchen, says that deconstruction chic has given her countless hours of dreaming about her kitchen’s full potential. “Paint samples, floor plans, cabinets! I love spending time in my decon-chic kitchen playing around with different combinations. I’ve been inviting some of my girlfriends over for a weekly wine and design night.”
At it’s very core deconstruction chic is about authenticity. The stripped down walls of your home allow you to see your home’s true beauty and potential. Some have even remarked that by incorporating deconstruction chic into their homes, that they have become more open with themselves and those around them.
Try it out
Start small, perhaps removes a few feet of drywall in your living room, or pull up a section of tile in your kitchen, the more heavily trafficked an area the better – It may seem inconvenient but it gives you the added benefit of making you more mindful of your surroundings.
What are you waiting for? Go out there and knock some walls down!